BSI standards for workplace first aid kits explained
British Standards Institute (BSI) updated its requirements for workplace first aid kits, in 2019.
By now, workplaces of all sizes should have phased out their old kits to be compliant with the latest checklist.
The BSI regularly reviews the contents of first aid kits, and the items we find in them have evolved considerably over time. The BSI most recently renewed its essential requirements for workplace and vehicle first aid kits in January 2019.
Is your first aid kit equipped for the modern workplace? While the new standard (BS 8599-1:2019) is not a legal requirement, the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 states that employers are by law required to provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment for employees. The BS 8599-1:2019 kits are a clear way for employers to meet this obligation.
What are the main changes?
The new BS 8599-1 standard first aid kit
Each BS 8599-1 compliant first aid kit contains essential items that can be used to treat a variety of injuries.
A key aspect of the latest standard is the introduction of three amended kit sizes: small, medium, and large. In addition to this, there is a revised kit specifically for travel and motoring, as well as two new supplementary kits: a personal issue kit (for lone workers) and a critical injury pack.
The size required is determined by the number of employees in the workplace and how hazardous the environment is.
Here’s an overview of the BSI guidelines:
Low hazard workplaces (shops, offices, etc)
- Less than 25 employees: one small first aid kit
- 25-100 employees: one medium first aid kit
- More than 100 employees: one large first aid kit per 100 employees
High hazard workplaces (assembly work, food processing, etc)
- Less than 5 employees: one small first aid kit
- 5-25 employees: one medium first aid kit
- More than 25 employees: one large first aid kit per 25 employees
Uncommon first aid items, some of which are not included in the BSI kit, are worth stocking up on. Read our guide on these often overlooked items here. Among those featured are safety pins, an item that as of 2019 is no longer a requirement of the BSi standard.
At First Aid Warehouse we stock a range of new BSI compliant first aid kits of all sizes for the workplace, catering industry, motoring and travelling. You’ll also find first aid refill packs that are ideal for ensuring you’re regularly replenishing the items you need. We also offer discounts on bulk and repeat orders. Contact us for details.